




Here's a little background

As a self-taught Web Developer, I have taken it upon myself to learn the necessary skills and techniques to design and build user interfaces for websites and web applications. I've worked on a variety of projects and learned and worked with not only frontend but also on the backend using technologies like Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB. Despite the challenges I may have encountered along the way, my passion for development has driven me to constantly improve and evolve my skills. My determination and dedication enabled me to create visually appealing and functional websites and applications that engage and delight users.


Tools and Technologies I've worked with


















Express Js


















Node Js





































Case Study 1 of 20: Blog-App


This project is a simple responsive blog page created using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. It displays a list of blog posts fetched dynamically from NewsAPI. The blog page includes features such as a navigation menu, responsive design, and a "Read more" button for each blog post.


Case Study 2 of 20: LINKEDIN CLONE


LinkedIn-Clone is a project developed using React JS. It is a replica of LinkedIn but not all features are similar. The index page contains login credentials. Sign in with your email and password is enabled through firebase as a backend, user can also register their account by adding their name and photoUrl


Case Study 3 of 20: GROUPLE TASK


A modern, responsive and user-friendly weather application built with React, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript that simulates an interactive weather dashboard. Provide a weather forecast for the selected location, including high and low temperatures


Case Study 4 of 20: EVENTS APP


An events app is an application that provides users with information about upcoming events in their area. The app can be used to browse events by category and location.


Case Study 5 of 20: LinkShree


Linkshree is an open-source project that aims to provide users with useful links and resources for learning and growing as a developer.


Case Study 6 of 20: BOOK STORE


Welcome to the BookStore project, a fully functional online book store built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This project allows users to browse, add, edit, and delete book entries, providing an intuitive and efficient way to manage your book collection.


Case Study 7 of 20: CRYPTOBASE


Cryptobase is the best way to keep track of the values of all your cryptocurrency wallets, check cryptocurrency prices, read latest news about cryptocurrencies and get cryptocurrencies price alerts.


Case Study 8 of 20: CHROME EXTENSION


Chrome extension project bootstrapped with PLASMO which shows the user's country and city by processing their ip address


Case Study 9 of 20: MEDIUM BLOG


Medium is a platform for individuals or businesses to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences through written content in the form of blog posts. It allows bloggers to connect with their audience, build a community, and establish their brand.


Case Study 10 of 20: WEATHER APP


This application is build for small devices such as phones or foldable phones but it works pretty well in every screen dimension, provides you temperature, humidity, wind speed, what it feels like on your location and the weather condition.


Case Study 11 of 20: People Count


JavaScript learning project, counts the number of people onboarded and left


Case Study 12 of 20: BANK LANDING PAGE


The next generation banking app build with VITE+REACT, this application consisting of a stunning hero section, high-quality assets and gradients, business stats, reusable feature sections with call-to-action buttons, testimonials, and more!


Case Study 13 of 20: Meme Generator


A meme generator website that let's you create meme from different images and by writing on the top and bottom of the image. This project was a part of scrimba react challenge.


Case Study 14 of 20: TENZIES


It is a game of 10 dices which roll randomly between 1 to 6 and the player can hold each dice number and roll others till he makes all the numbers of the dice same. Once the all numbers are same and the players wins the game it can be restarted as well.


Case Study 15 of 20: CHAT BOT


React-chatbot-kit provides an easy way to get started building chatbots. The chatbot works by importing it and giving it a messageparser, a config and an actionprovider.


Case Study 16 of 20: AirBnb


An airBnb online experiences website built with create react app


Case Study 17 of 20: TODO APP


Users can login with their credentials or create their account and its all needed to create their to-do. They can also delete their todo but not others unless they are authorized to do so. It is the perfect tool to help you stay organized and on track.


Case Study 18 of 20: Tip Calculator


A tip calculator project for open source contribution in the hacktoberfest


Case Study 19 of 20: TESLA CLONE


A Responsive real-like Tesla Clone created with React and used Material UI, Redux, styled components, google fonts, not the same but kind of similar of what tesla's official website looks like.


Case Study 20 of 20: Image Gallery


ImageGallery Project App made with Tailwind and React which fetches images data from Pixabay API and lets user to search for images


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Main Road Dumraon, India